Why is compliance important ?
«If you think compliance is expensive, try non compliance» com·pli·ance kəmˈplīəns/ noun the action or fact of complying with a wish or...
"A Culture of Complacency is Misplaced Confidence"
What is Complacency noun, plural complacencies. a feeling of calm satisfaction with your own abilities or situation that prevents you...
The dichotomy between words and actions will erode trust in the manager – and the organization
Creating a Winning Team: How Management Can Inspire Purpose 
In Our Employees. "The dichotomy between words and actions will erode trust...
When the hazard cannot be removed or controlled adequately: PPE and its role.
Controlling a hazard at its source should be the first choice because this method will eliminate it from the workplace altogether or...
Safety Committees & Safety Programs
Safety Committees / Safety Programs If you want to have a truly effective safety committee, and an effective Safety program, you must be...
Shifting the Paradigm:
Executive Leadership There is no question that compliance with health and safety regulations is a critical component of successful...
the study of people's efficiency in their working environment.
er·go·nom·ics ˌərɡəˈnämiks/ noun the study of people's efficiency in their working environment. Identify Problems Ergonomic injuries may...
Safety and Productivity: Is it possible?
There are two extremes in industry. At one end, there is nearly 100% unconstrained productivity - the holy grail of maximum profits. On...
Ways to Avoid Increased OSHA Fines - effective August 1, 2016
With OSHA's impending penalty increase, companies must empower employees, embrace technology and be prepared to ensure compliance...
Are You Priming?: Work Safely or Take Risks
Listen closely: Are the words and actions of supervisors and managers at odds with your company’s safety message? Priming Behavioral...