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"VPP is a process, ...a culture

not an inspection"













History of OSHA VPP

The Voluntary Protection Program (VPP) began in California in 1979. In 1982, Federal OSHA formally announced the VPP and approved the first VPP site. According to OSHA, the average VPP worksite has a Days Away Restricted or Transferred (DART) case rate of 52% below the average for its industry. These sites typically do not start out with such low rates. Reductions in injuries and illnesses begin when the site commits to the VPP approach to safety and health management and the challenging VPP application process.



How Does VPP Benefit Employers?

Fewer injuries and illnesses mean greater profits as workers’ compensation premiums and other costs plummet. Entire industries benefit as VPP sites evolve into models of excellence and influence practices industry-wide.



Preparing for VPP

Applying for VPP is typically a lengthy process.  (Most companies I work with prepare a 3 ring binder containing all program elements.) 


It is important to note the four VPP elements must be in place for one year prior to OSHA performing their onsite review.

This helps ensure a facility has had an opportunity to critique the elements and made necessary changes to enhance element effectiveness.


Another important component is employees understanding and supporting VPP.

This typically consists of educational sessions on VPP as well as promotional campaigns.


Also, to attain VPP status you must go above and beyond basic OSHA compliance.



    VPP site is considered the GOLD standard with respect to safety & health programs.








VPP Program Elements


To qualify for VPP a facility must have the four VPP elements:


The four main elements to this process are:


Management Leadership and Employee Involvement

Worksite Analysis

Hazard Prevention and Control

Safety and Health Training



Attaining VPP status is a lengthy process but the benefits are significant—improved worker safety, increased employee involvement, reduced workers’ compensation premiums as well as continuous safety and health program improvement.

Call Us TODAY for a FREE Consultation and Let's begin this journey together.


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 PH: 1-715-467-1473      Fax: +1 715-802-0001
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